Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ten Steps to Business Success

Everyone who starts a small business has high hopes for success. There are a number of things you can do to create a successful business. The key to success is in adopting a positive attitude and investing your time and effort to take consistent and persistent daily actions. Here are some great ways to get started.

You excel at what you do, and have already identified your audience/target market.

1. Success on Your Terms
What do you call success? Define it for yourself since everyone has their own thoughts of what that is for them.

2. Believe in the Power of I Can
Believing in yourself with your mindset and a positive attitude all play a big role in whether you succeed or fail. Successful people often say that it was their drive to keep going, despite the desire to quit, that drove them to successful heights in their business/career.

3. Create a Business Plan Outline
A successful business must have many ingredients to succeed. Have a blueprint of what you want to do and how you are going to reach your goal with the business resources at your fingertips. A good business plan should include a description of what you are selling (products/services), your background and qualifications for operating the business, who your prospective clients/customers are and where they can be found, what is needed to build the business, how you plan to promote, and how much money is needed for start-up costs.

4. Fully Leverage your Unique Characteristics
What are your key strengths? Assess your strengths and weaknesses. You may find that some of your weaknesses are your strengths. Take advantage of both depending on the situations you are in.

5. Have a Sense of Urgency- Getting Things Done
For many, they use time management and schedule when to complete the specific needs for a specific period of time. This along with a few other listed items can work together to get what you need done and successfully.

6. Taking the Appropriate Actions
Take the specific actions you need to accomplish your goals. Successful business owners are people in action. They make things happen. Adopting a mindset of taking action is key to maintaining and sustaining the momentum you need to be a business success.

You should always keep a list of simple things you can do either to market your business, improve your skill set or to make your business operation run smoothly. Taking any action, even small steps every day, will keep you moving forward towards accomplishing your business goals.

7. Goal Setting
Set S.M.A.R.T. goals: Sustainable, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic/Relevant, and Timely.

8. Ask and Follow Up
If you want success, just ask for it. Asking for business from others should be part of your automatic routine. Follow up with others who bought from you and as a service you can either ask them to complete a short survey or just ask them about the product or service they purchased from you as well as ask them what else you can do for them.

9. Define Your Next Steps
How are you going to reach the next level of your business success?

10. Review and Refine
Every 3 months review what your business has done, how well things are working, and how you can be more effective and efficient in getting things done. Also, remember to review your marketing program: what is working and what is working well? Adjust or modify what you think and feel needs to be improved. Revise your business plan to reflect these changes.

For a 30 minute complimentary session to see how we can help you move forward, contact us at 602-405-2540 or email

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