Thursday, May 13, 2010

Maintaining & Sustaining Work Productivity

On a scale from one to ten, one being the least productive and ten being the most productive, how would you rate yourself on productivity during an average work day?

Do you constantly look for files or papers, while your inbox is overflowing with unanswered messages? You have to move two stacks of papers to get to your keyboard, and you need to find your contact information for the day. You have a constant nagging feeling that you’ve forgotten about something vital, and that major project you want to start work on still remains a pipe dream. Are you always leaving your seat to retrieve supplies or materials that are crucial to your most important work?

Do you have the tools you need to work at your optimum level of efficiency? Here are 8 essentials for a productive work environment. None of them require a degree in rocket science, and most offices have them, but may not be using them in an effective manner.

Organize Your Day on Paper, Before Your Day Begins
Spend ten minutes each evening or ten minutes each morning planning your day on paper. Write down your top priorities for the day, and circle the two most important items on your list. Instead of feeling overwhelmed at all the work you must do, focus only on those two items. Even if all you complete on this day are those two items, they are the two most important and can be marked off as major accomplishments. Do this every day, and you’ll power up your performance fast!

Motivational Momentum
How many times have you been asked "What are you going to do to motivate your employees?" Know that your employees value your opinions, your insights, and your time. They value the effort you take to work with them to develop their skill sets and their careers.

Everyone knows that motivation will increase our productivity. Don't wait for inspiration to hit. Take action first and the motivation will follow. Play to Your Strengths

"Keep a positive attitude: There’s is nothing more powerful for self-motivation than the right attitude. You can’t choose or control your circumstance, but can choose your attitude towards your circumstances."

Take the Time to "Connect"
Network with other professionals in your field who you gain the most benefit from. Also, set some time each day to connect with the individuals you entrusted with the projects and/or tasks you delegated. Take the time to consider how you can use skills in your business/department and watch productivity and profits soar.

Minimize Distractions
If you must attend mind-numbing meetings, mentally challenge yourself to solve problems inside your head as the minutes go by. Set aside a specific time to answer emails and phone calls, rather than answering every call at all times. If you are having personal problems, mentally picture yourself putting them inside a drawer and closing it to refocus on your work.

Manage Your Employees by How they Work
Take notice of your employees. Are they working using their personality preference levels, or do they just plug into a slot to fill a desk that was available? Low productivity among the employees could be because the job that they are doing does not suit their temperament or qualities or skills. Through assessments and appraisals, managers are better able to evaluate an employee's skills and thus, can shift him to a department or a job that suits his qualities.

Action Files:

These are the files that you use every day. Many people use these as their to-do list. Action files should be located on the desktop or as close to you as possible. They can be organized by date, topic, or type of action. Some examples of names for action files are: to read, to file, waiting for response, consider this, call, email, etc.

Sustaining Your Results
Essentially, think about what works and what works very well for you to keep your results from declining. Delegate projects and tasks to those who are capable of completing them by your specific clear instructions and vision of what you want done. Let your employees figure out how to complete the project or task as this will give them an opportunity to be creative in what they do.

Appreciate Employee Days

If a manager wants to know how to improve productivity in the workplace, then the most effective tool that he can employ is employee appreciation. Many organizations today use various methods, such as giving out gifts, celebrating employee appreciation days, having special events in office, for appreciating and motivating their employees.

Follow the steps above to create your own productive work environment. Monitor each step and modify when needed. Be open to suggestions and other opportunities in getting things done.

For a 30 minute complimentary session to see how we can help you, please contact us at 602-405-2540, or email

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