Thursday, May 6, 2010

Integral Components of Introverted Success

Valerie wondered about her success and thought about, "What was working and what was working well." You see Valerie is an introvert and most people who know her think she is like them -an extrovert. Valerie operates more as a social introvert or an extroverted-introvert.

For many, success is an integral part of their introverted success. First and foremost, introverts must understand the connection between being an introvert and moving out of their comfort zone in order to move forward in their professional and personal lives. Basically, putting the following 3 components in place can help generate impressive results.

Winning Mental Edge

Having a mental edge on anything you do takes a lot of work especially when you focus and concentrate. You can begin with believing in yourself. Think about what Napoleon Hill wrote, "If you can conceive something in your mind and believe it to be true, then you can achieve it."

By writing down your specific strengths and weaknesses, you will be able to look for and understand how your beliefs and other mindsets need to shift more positively in order for you to reduce your anxiety or nervous thoughts and feelings to gradually get out of your comfort zone.

Once you begin, your self-confidence will improve and you will be able to handle stress better as well. You will find that you will be able to accomplish more and you will have more control of your introversion. You may even find that you are more social and feel more comfortable in more situations than you have in the past.

Taking Consistent and Persistent Action

In order to take yourself to the next level of your success, you need to understand how you got where you are now and where you want to go. Taking consistent and persistent action every day is a strategy of step-by-step actions to get you to your desired goal. By taking these actions, even in small amounts, you can move yourself forward to the next level of success and comfort.

Asserting Yourself More than Before

In getting ahead in today's world, introverts need an edge to boost them from where they are. When it comes to working with other people, there may be times when conflicts or "personality clashes" occur. Do not let these situations put you back into your shell. As much as you can, get support from co-workers, and learn how to handle various types of personalities. Your assertion skills will help you in the long run.

As you integrate all of your strengths and weaknesses, as well as your skills, talents, knowledge, abilities, interests, and passions, you will learn how to leverage and take advantage of situations. You will gradually see the results of thinking and feeling less introverted. The results will bring changes that let you exceed beyond your expectations from where you are now to wherever you want to go next in your success.

Remember, this is not going to be an overnight change, so you may not see the difference at first. You will gradually feel it and think differently as your belief system and attitude shift more positively. Your confidence level will improve as you begin to take small steps out of your comfort zone and you begin to feel good about those experiences.

Most importantly, you will begin to move forward in your life both professionally and personally.

For a 30 minute complimentary session to see how we can help you move forward, contact us at 602-405-2540 or email

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