Monday, May 10, 2010

Do Not Let Fear Block Your Path to Your Success

You are probably aware that if you are not where you want to be in your life in terms of success, you are blocked. There is something in between you and the results you want and desire in your life. Your hidden fears may be hindering what you do, and as a result, your fear(s) may be blocking your success. Self-sabotage is when you work against yourself and your goals. It does not have any rationale behind it.

Confronting a fear can be tough, but the reward is enormous. Confronting just a small part of a fear is an accomplishment. Fears that block your success can have you pay a heavy price if you do nothing to change it- Lower Self-Esteem, Self-Confidence, Career, and even your personal life, just to name a few.

In a word- it could be summed up as "YOU" are the block that is getting in the way of creating the life you want and desire.

1. Negative Beliefs: For some people, they possess a lack of belief in their own abilities. Get rid of your limiting beliefs that keep you from being open to new positive opportunities. Use positive affirmations each time a negative thought comes into your mind.

2. Fear of Failure or Fear of Success: Fear of success is the work of your inner critic. When you think about it, the face of failure often is that of 2 fears: Disappointing others and disppointing yourself. When you fear success, it is often due to underlying anxieties about change. Fear of failure is completely understandable as no one likes to fail. We also do not want to disappoint other people as well as ourselves. Many people think they are suffering fear of failure when what they really have is a fear of success.

3. Resistance: Fears are created by your belief which becomes a roadblock. This costs you plenty with regard to your self-esteem, self-confidence and ultimately greater self-satisfaction. For many, resistance is that invisible thing that has you avoid what you love doing the most. But the good news is that you can learn to beat it and realize your potential.

4. Avoidance: People who refuse a job promotion, hesitate to accept more responsibility, quit just short of their goals, refuse to accept a compliment, resist change, or fail to meet performance goals may all have something in common. They may fear success and be engaging in success avoidance or success sabotage.

Fear may cause you to avoid doing the very things that create success. Being successful means leaving a predictable way of life and entering into the realm of the unknown with unanticipated changes.

5. Staying Focused to Your Destination: To succeed at overcoming obstacles, you need to have the determination not to quit, despite the obstacles. Ask yourself these questions:

  • What would happen if this problem was not there anymore?

  • What would you be focusing on after you resolve this challenge?

Your hidden fears are sabotaging your professional and personal life. Challenge yourself in these areas and feel comfortable in stretching yourself more to succeed. In reality, people do not fear success, they block it.

Do the Thing You are Afraid to Do: One of the most effective tools to overcome fear is to do the very thing you are afraid to do. This means you must act against your thoughts and feelings. While fear is motivating you to avoid, learn to use the energy of your anxiety to force yourself forward. Many speakers overcome their fear of speaking, so you can do the same with what you do.

The way to overcome your fear is to answer the "What if?" question. When you find yourself feeling the fear, ask yourself "What if" questions. This turns a fearful situation into a solution-focused situation. Look for alternatives and creative ways to handle the potential problem(s). When you have the answers to your "What ifs"you can control your fear.

Conquer your fear of success with a plan to manage your success.

For a 30 minute complimentary session to see how we can help you, contact us at: 602-405-2540 or email

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