Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Characteristics of Inspiring Leaders

A survey of more than one and a half thousand managers, people were asked what they would most like to see in their leaders. the most popular answer, mentioned by 55% , was "Inspiration". When asked if they would describe their current leader as "inspiring", only 11% said yes.

An inspired and motivated workforce is essential for any business that stays ahead of their competition. Ann Clarke Judd, the chief executive officer of the American red Cross National Testing Laboratory in Charlotte, N.C., "Inspiring leaders under the consequences of their decisions, are trustworthy, presevere, and plan carefully."

An Inspiring Leader is an authentic individual who demonstrates the following characteristics.

1. Is open to change and is always looking for better and easier ways of doing things.

2. Their decisions are based on the greater good of all and not solely on one individual.

3. Is flexible, responsive, and adaptable.

4. Are "Big Picture" vision thinkers.

5. Not threatened or intimidated by others.

6. Accepts 100% responsiblity for their leadership style and not only admits but apologizes when they are wrong.

7. Knows who they are and acknowledges their strengths and weaknesses. they surround themselves with people that complement their weaknesses and capitalize on their own stengths.

8. Is solution focused.

9. Always gives credit to those who the work or idea belongs to.

10. Builds people up, empowers them as the leader provides direction, guidance and encourages others to believe in themselves.

11. Create an open forum for ideas to flow freely from everyone and encourage others to express their ideas.

12. Involves people in decision making on every important issue. (Seeking the opinions of others communicates that leaders respect and appreciate them).

13. Listens well and gives others the courtesy of their full attention.

14. Delivers extraordinary results.

15. Articulates compelling course of action. (Inspiring leaders craft and deliver specific,, consistent and memorable vision).

16. Reinforces an Optimistic Outlook. Speaks in positive, optimistic language. (Extraordinary leaders throughout history have been more optimistic than the average person).

The inspirational leader feels passionately about the vision and mission of the organization. They share their passion with others.

The ability to inspire people to reach great heights of performance and success is a skill that leaders need. Passion, purpose, listening and meaning help make a leader inspirational. The ability to communicate that passion, purpose and meaning to others helps establish the inspirational culture of your organization. These points will tell you how to enable inspiration and motivation in the people you lead.

For a 30 minute complimentary session to see how we can help you, please contact us at 602-405-2540, or email nburgis@successful-solutions.com.

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